The day was clouded, dark and stormy. But, you're used to that, up here in the Pacific North West. It wasn't until your car started to smoke and spit fire that you looked warily at the slow rain. As if on cue, a bolt of lightning cuts through the darkening sky. You count the beats, one-Mississippi, two-Mississippi, thr-BOOM! The crash of thunder shudders through the night. You jerk the wounded car over to the side of the long, empty highway. You check your phone, but you know there's no service on this road. It doesn't matter though, because your battery is already dead. The trees make it difficult to see much, but up ahead, you can barely make our the outlines of a building. Grabbing your flashlight and the utility knife from the glove compartment, you start walking. It's times like this that you kind of wish people up here owned umbrellas.
The rain isn't bad, but it is persistent. It's not long before your shoes are soaking, and
you're pretty sick of the walking. Off to your right you can see a road that diverges a bit and seems to lead to a cemetery. There seems to be a greenish light coming from one of the mausoleums. Do you turn that way? Maintenance might have a phone you could use to call a tow. Or, do you continue on to the creepy looking house on the hill? A bathroom and dry towel would be especially amazing right now... even if they were borrowed from the crypt keepers summer home.
The rain isn't bad, but it is persistent. It's not long before your shoes are soaking, and
you're pretty sick of the walking. Off to your right you can see a road that diverges a bit and seems to lead to a cemetery. There seems to be a greenish light coming from one of the mausoleums. Do you turn that way? Maintenance might have a phone you could use to call a tow. Or, do you continue on to the creepy looking house on the hill? A bathroom and dry towel would be especially amazing right now... even if they were borrowed from the crypt keepers summer home.