You walk into the kitchen. It's a nightmare, but that's in keeping with the rest of the house, really. It's hard to believe people live like this, you think, as your foot meets with something slimy on the floor, and you slide a bit. You shudder, wiping your foot on a remnant of carpet, internally booking an appointment for a penicillin booster shot as soon as you're free of this place. Across the room you see a pair of doors opening up onto a wide deck. Beside them is a row of hooks with various coats and jackets on it. You tear off your drenched shirt and pull on a dry coat, feeling the dry warmth go through to your soul. You grab two more coats, using one to knock the rain from your hair like a towel, then neatly hanging it back up. Putting the second over your head like an old hermit, you pull open one of the doors, peering out, you can see that the rainstorm is constant, with no signs of slowing.
Do you run out into the dismal weather looking for a way back to the car? Or, do you delve further into this house of horrors, hoping to find another way to summon the police?
Do you run out into the dismal weather looking for a way back to the car? Or, do you delve further into this house of horrors, hoping to find another way to summon the police?